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Health information privacy is about making sure patients and staff know what's being done with their health information, and why. Collecting, using and disclosing health information to provide care should never be a problem. 

Health Information Privacy Code

The Health Information Privacy Code applies specific rules to agencies in the health sector to better ensure the protection of individual privacy. It covers health information collected, used, held and disclosed by health agencies and takes the place of the information privacy principles for the health sector. The Health Information Privacy Code applies to the health information about identifiable individuals and applies to:

  • all agencies providing personal or public health or disability services such as primary health organisations, rest homes, supported accommodation, doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and optometrists; and

  • some agencies that do not provide health services to individuals but which are part of the health sector such as ACC, the Ministry of Health, the Health Research Council, health insurers and professional disciplinary bodies.

Our Health Information Privacy Code pages include handy factsheets on each rule within the code

Privacy and COVID-19

All our information on Privacy and COVID-19 is here

Health on the road 

Keeping health information safe when you're traveling and working remotely. Our Health on the road guidance aims to help you keep health information safe when you're off-site or on the road.

Resources for the public

Protecting your Personal Information - bilingual brochure for the public about their privacy rights, including their health information rights. 

Free online health privacy training

We offer free online learning modules on a range of privacy-related topics, including an introduction to health and privacy in Health ABC.  

Register for our e-learning

Health-related privacy case notes:

Health-related Privacy Act Human Rights Review Tribunal cases:

Health-related High Court case: